Monday, April 16, 2012

Day 42 (4-15-12): Japanese Cheesy Croquette and Brown Curry (Not for Sensitive Eyes or Ears)

Japanese Cheesy Croquette and Brown Curry
Status: Restaurant (Yamadaya Ramen)
Satisfaction: 9. One point off for having absolutely nothing in the (otherwise delicious) curry.

Associated with: Stinkypoo.

***DISCLAIMER ALERT: Do not read if you have a sensitive mind! Or if the mention of gross things like moldy cheese, flies in your kitchen sink, or the profusion of excrement being flung around in Gulliver's Travels freak you out.***

As a rule of thumb, I don't eat curry. Since I was old enough to say the words "curry" and "poo" together, that's exactly what I've been saying--poo curry. I mean, you have to admit it. Just look at the picture, and then think about the word poop. True, right? Anyway, brown curry turns out to be the only kind I'll eat, which is unfortunate, because it also looks the most poo-like. I know, great bathroom humor.

Anyway, instead of posting a picture of poop (which would be Grade A disgusting) or doing the whole Gulliver's Travels thing (which would fit, but probably doesn't the solve the problem of you having lost your appetite for all things poo--I mean, curry--within the last 30 seconds), I decided to post cute poo pictures. So next time you eat curry, you'll just think how cute your poopish curry looks instead of just...poopish.

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