Creamy Dreamy Ganache-Draped Cheesecake Ice Cream Cake
Status: Homemade!
Satisfaction: Wait and see (I'll post the updates as soon as this baby gets cut open on Sunday!)
I'm not always a terribly consistent decorator--or at least, my creations start out looking freakily Frankensteinian when they first start off. Take this cheesecake-ice cream cake combo, for instance: If I had taken pictures of the amounts of melted ice cream and dripping ganache I had to wade through before I even got the final (and considerably ridged) ganache dam wall on to hold in the ice cream, you all would be drowning, too. In pictures, I mean. And those aren't nearly as fun as drowning in ice cream and/or chocolate. Maybe part of it has to do with the fact that I never learn from my mistakes because a) I'm theory smart--application isn't a requirement for graduate students, and b) I never really like making the same thing twice if I can help it. Experiments are just more fun.
Speaking of experiments and dissection--okay, yes, it's a stretch analogy, but here's the breakdown of this gorgeous (inside is what counts!) cake:
Start with an OREO Cookie Crumb Crust
Top that with Creamy Dreamy Cheesecake
Adorn that with an generous layer of Your Favorite Ice Cream
And then drape the whole damn thing in Luscious Chocolate Ganache
Decorate the heck out of it. And do a better job than I did.
There you have it, ladies and gentlemen. I haven't tried it yet, but from the various, er, taste-tests I did on the component parts of it, I'm declaring this one mind--and taste buds--blown.
Check out the recipe below!