Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Day 76: Chinese Chicken(-less) Salad (or an Ugly Green Jacket)

Chinese Chicken(-less) Salad
Status: Restaurant (Green Leaf)
Satisfaction: 10.

Associated with: Darien a.k.a. Mamoru from Sailor Moon
Darien With A Rose

Anyone who has ever watched an episode of Sailor Moon knows the cringeworthy feeling that creeps up every time Mamoru pops up on the that green jacket. Heck, it's become something of an obsession (and fetish) in the fandom. Mamoru's a hot man...but there's no denying that what he owns in brains and good looks, he definitely lacks in fashion sense.

Doris and I had a good long conversation about this over lunch today, hence the (unfortunate) association.

Some more fashion faux pas from ours truly, just because I couldn't resist:
Mamoru in a pee-yellow-and-purple collared jacket
Mamoru in a stylish green pullover...not.
It's cowboy Mamoru! Or dead-cow Mamoru.
Another flattering shot of the infamous green jacket.
Here, I'll model my ugly crap for you
And one of my personal favorites, the "what the hell, were you drunk when you put this on?" exercise shirt.

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