Saturday, April 14, 2012

Day 40 (4-13-12): Instant Ramen with Onions and Lettuce (The Forbidden Fruit)

Instant Ramen with Onions and Lettuce
Status: Home...prepared?
Satisfaction: 8.

Associated with: Pokemon TV Show

When I was younger, my mom had this incredible list of things that we (my brother and me) were "allergic" to. It's one of the main reasons I've always attributed her with an inexhaustible imagination: according to her, we were allergic to (in no particular order) grass, chocolate, shellfish, candy, and MSG, just to name a few. Of course, this meant that Halloween every year was a hellish experience--on those blessed years when my mom felt that it would okay to risk the potentially fatal effects of eating the candy we collected, we might be able to keep up to two or three pieces of the loot--and there was a significant dearth of one of my favorite childhood, MSG-laden foods: instant ramen. 

Naturally, after my brother and I grew a little older and began questioning my mom's authority to determine exactly what we were "allergic" to, we tried to get as much of the aforementioned rations as we could. This included wheedling our babysitter into allowing us to have instant ramen whenever she was feeling in a generous mood, and I have forever associated her house as a free space in which ramen and Pokemon--my favorite show of all time, next to Sailor Moon--were, praise the gods, allowed. (The other "forbidden" item in our household was the television--I'm pretty sure we were told we were allergic to that at some point in our childhoods, too.) The bottom picture is an accurate representation of what I looked like for probably the first ten ramen/candy/TV-deprived years of my life, before I wised up and evolved (pardon the pun) into the mean, lean snarfling sweets machine I am today.

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