Sunday, April 29, 2012

Day 53 (4-28-12): Boxed Lunch--Greek Salad and Eggplant Sandwich (or What Catbert Would Call An Antiquated Tradition)

Boxed Lunch: Greek Salad and Eggplant Sandwich
Status: Conference-provided--free food!
Satisfaction: 8. Loved the eggplant, the salad not so much.

Associated with: 

I love conferences.

Okay, I take that back. I love the conference (single) that I went to this weekend. Children's literature graduate student reference at University of British Columbia, to be precise. It was one of those moments where you realize, "By God, there are people like me in this world!" which is a pretty cool feeling in and of itself. And did I mention that even the food was pretty stellar? They fueled us all day with cookies, danishes, fruit tarts, and a good old dose of Canadian hospitality.

Since I didn't have anything particularly exciting to say about the lunch, though, I'll latch onto the setting--conference food and the office world? I think Dilbert would have a lot to say about that...for one thing, the corporation would definitely not be giving away free stuff. 'Nuff said.

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