Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Day 83: Cheese Enchilada in Black Mole (Holy Mole, it's a Naked Mole Rat!)

Cheese Enchilada in Black Mole
Status: Restaurant (Juquila Restaurant)
Satisfaction: 10!

Associated with: Rufus from Kim Possible

It was delicious, but let's face it--"mole" (pronounced "mole-eh") is still going to read as "mole" (pronounced like it looks) to Mexican food green thumbs like me. And I am very much a Mexican food green thumb. I am also the girl who, the first time she came across the seminal work Don Quixote, informed her Mexican friend very proudly that she was reading "Don Quicks-oh-tee." Yeaaaah. Sad times.

But naked mole rats! Good times. Vaguely.

By the way, did anyone else find Rufus quite as disturbing as I did? Because let's face it--a walking squeaking naked mole rat is slightly unnerving.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Day 82: Dutch Baby and Poached Egg on Challah

Dutch Baby (or Big German) and Poached Egg on Challah
Status: Homemade (the Dutch Baby) and made by Vanessa (poached egg!)--the challah was purchased. Exciting, I know.
Satisfaction: A big whoppin' 10. 

Dutch babies are amazing treats with beautiful presentation for overnight guests. Better yet, they only take about 10 minutes to whip up (plus an additional 20 minutes of baking time), so you can roll out of bed in your PJ's just a half hour before your guests get up and make it look like you're the hardest-working person in the world. Which I'm sure all of you are. I'm not.

Straight and puffy from the oven. Simply scrumdiddly!

Dutch Baby recipe under the cut!

Day 81: Pineapple Tofu Fried Rice (Doesn't Engage in Nautical Nonsense, Unfortunately)

Pineapple Tofu Fried Rice
Status: Restaurant (Mr. Noodle)
Satisfaction: 7

Associated with: Spongebob Squarepants' living quarters

Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?

Probably not the crab and shrimp that died to make this dish possible.

I actually had to fight for my tofu on this one. Okay, no I didn't, but I did face the arduous task of subbing out shrimp, chicken, and crab (who the heck wants all of these dead animals in the same dish together, anyway?) for a bit of tofu. 

I hope Spongebob meets a better fate than his seafood--I mean, underwater friends.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Day 80 (5.26.12): Strawberry French Toast (the Proustian Way)

Strawberry French Toast
Status: Restaurant (Novel Cafe)
Satisfaction: 7. Definitely on the dry side.

Associated with: A la recherche du temps perdu, Marcel Proust

This was actually the edition that we had to read in my Proust class sophomore year of my English career. It was one of six, actually, since we read (or should I say, "read") the whole of A la recherche du temps perdu in all its brain-racking, soul-wrenching, finger-cramping (that last one's from page turning) glory. Our professor, who passed away last year, was a Proustian fanatic and reread this series every. Single. Summer. Bless his heart.

Anyway, it's not a madeleine. But it's French. And very blurry. And therefore very Proustian. L'mpressionism, no? (Or something like that.)

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Day 79 (5.25.12): Sour Cream Coffee Cake Muffins (Anything Goes for Breakfast)

Sour Cream Coffee Cake Muffins
Status: Homemade
Satisfaction: I'm guessing here, but I'd say a 10!

Associated with: The New Yorker Breakfast Menu Article (January 5, 2012)

Sour cream in anything sweet always sounded (oxy)moronic to me, as does the idea that coffee cake is--well--not coffee in your cake. Playing off of the crazy menus that we've all seen vying for our attention in recent years, The New Yorker published an article earlier this year about the zany types of breakfast foods you can order in...well, nowhere, really, but it's worth a thought. Among the menu items are a series of cake-in-drink selections, including a bagel at the bottom of your coffee and whoopee pies stuffed with cappuccino. Who says you can't have your cake and drink it too?

For the recipe (for deliciously moist sour cream coffee cake muffins, not the drinks-in-cakes), look beneath the cut!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Day 78: Graham Cracker Brie Apricot Towers (It's Like Eating Legolas. Sort of.)

Graham Cracker Brie Apricot Towers
Status: Bought/Compiled
Satisfaction: 10! But I'm pretty easy to please.

Associated with: The Two Towers, by J.R.R. Tolkien

Say hi to lunch. Hi, lunch! *waves* Terrible lunch, I know. I had one more of these, some cucumber salad, and a bit of pasta salad--good on me...Wait a minute, backtrack...doesn't that make two towers?

I know. Terrible, right?

Anyway, there's really no way to get around this one. LoTR reference it is. Although this definitely looks more delicious than any of the orcs. And I know that this is by no means the original book cover, but I opted for this particular cover for...obvious reasons.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Day 77: Saigon Tofu Lemongrass Roll (in a Whole New World)

Saigon Tofu Lemongrass Roll
Status: Restaurant (Native Foods)
Satisfaction: 9. Peanut sauce could have used more of a tangy sweet kick!

Associated with:

In 1989, Lea Salonga launched her career as a singing sensation in Miss Saigon. After a successful run through several musicals, including Les Mis, she ended up as the celebrated singing voice of Jasmine in Disney's version of Aladdin. 

For an amazing video of her recording (with Brad Kane) of "A Whole New World," check out the link!

Seriously, I can only aspire to be half as good as her, ever!

Day 76: Chinese Chicken(-less) Salad (or an Ugly Green Jacket)

Chinese Chicken(-less) Salad
Status: Restaurant (Green Leaf)
Satisfaction: 10.

Associated with: Darien a.k.a. Mamoru from Sailor Moon
Darien With A Rose

Anyone who has ever watched an episode of Sailor Moon knows the cringeworthy feeling that creeps up every time Mamoru pops up on the that green jacket. Heck, it's become something of an obsession (and fetish) in the fandom. Mamoru's a hot man...but there's no denying that what he owns in brains and good looks, he definitely lacks in fashion sense.

Doris and I had a good long conversation about this over lunch today, hence the (unfortunate) association.

Some more fashion faux pas from ours truly, just because I couldn't resist:
Mamoru in a pee-yellow-and-purple collared jacket
Mamoru in a stylish green pullover...not.
It's cowboy Mamoru! Or dead-cow Mamoru.
Another flattering shot of the infamous green jacket.
Here, I'll model my ugly crap for you
And one of my personal favorites, the "what the hell, were you drunk when you put this on?" exercise shirt.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Day 75 (4.21.12): Mini Egg Cheese Puff "Fake-Cups" (Worthy of Any April Fools' Day)

Mini Egg Cheese Puff "Fake-Cups"
Status: Homemade (for a Dinner of Decadence!)
Satisfaction: Haven't actually had one yet...but I was told it was good! (I was sick all of yesterday and couldn't stomach anything of interest--hence the placeholder.)

Associated with: Arias Ink Arias Ink - Sailor Moon FanFiction Stories
Serena & Darien Sailor Moon FanFiction Stories

Okay, so this is the moment where I get to show off my truly geeky side. *Deep inhale*

I got the idea for these "fake-cups" from a blog post on April Fools' Day and decided to make them for the dinner of decadence I was hosting for our--you guessed it (or maybe you didn't)--decadent and pre-Raphaelite poetry class. They're little egg and cheese quiche-like cups topped with a "frosting" of mashed potatoes--decadent stuff, right? I know, instant mashed potato flakes. Real high class.

Anyway, every year, Arias Ink--which, FYI, is a pretty well-established Sailor Moon fanfiction/fandom site--hosts this absolutely fantastic April Fools' challenge where you have to hack, fight, and beat your way into the site through a series of tricks and challenges. Unfortunately, I missed the one this year without even thinking about it, but it's definitely worth dropping by if you haven't done it before. And, you know, if you want to get converted to the Moonie fandom (which I high encourage, by the way--we need more active readers!).

Day 74 (5.20.12): It's Lovin' Time Pancakes from Griddle Cafe (Or Diabetes Time For An Elf)

Status: Restaurant (Griddle Cafe)
Satisfaction: 10. Except for the major food coma that followed.

Associated with: Elf (the movie)

This picture/movie disturbed me so much, I'll try not to look at it as I type. Anyway, I don't have much to say, except that pancakes the size of steering wheels (for a point of reference, note the size of the ketchup bottle in the background--tiny, isn't it?) are probably about as good an idea for your stomach as candy-coated spaghetti. Not at all a good idea. My friend and I finished one pancake before calling it quits, so you can just imagine how Will Ferrell probably felt after doing a dozen takes of this scene!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Day 73 (5.19.12): Creamy Dreamy Ganache-Draped Cheesecake Ice Cream Cake--Mind (And Taste Buds) Blown!

Creamy Dreamy Ganache-Draped Cheesecake Ice Cream Cake
Status: Homemade!
Satisfaction: Wait and see (I'll post the updates as soon as this baby gets cut open on Sunday!)

I'm not always a terribly consistent decorator--or at least, my creations start out looking freakily Frankensteinian when they first start off. Take this cheesecake-ice cream cake combo, for instance: If I had taken pictures of the amounts of melted ice cream and dripping ganache I had to wade through before I even got the final (and considerably ridged) ganache dam wall on to hold in the ice cream, you all would be drowning, too. In pictures, I mean. And those aren't nearly as fun as drowning in ice cream and/or chocolate. Maybe part of it has to do with the fact that I never learn from my mistakes because a) I'm theory smart--application isn't a requirement for graduate students, and b) I never really like making the same thing twice if I can help it. Experiments are just more fun.

Speaking of experiments and dissection--okay, yes, it's a stretch analogy, but here's the breakdown of this gorgeous (inside is what counts!) cake:
Start with an OREO Cookie Crumb Crust
Top that with Creamy Dreamy Cheesecake
Adorn that with an generous layer of Your Favorite Ice Cream
And then drape the whole damn thing in Luscious Chocolate Ganache
Decorate the heck out of it. And do a better job than I did.

There you have it, ladies and gentlemen. I haven't tried it yet, but from the various, er, taste-tests I did on the component parts of it, I'm declaring this one mind--and taste buds--blown.

Check out the recipe below!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Day 72: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cheesecake Bars

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cheesecake Bars
Status: Homemade
Satisfaction: 10+!

Should I even try and explain what's happening in this sinful amalgamation?
1. Light Cinnamon-y Crust
2. Creamy Cheesecake Filling
3. Chocolate Chip Cookies
= This is so good, it should probably be illegal. In fact, it probably is.

I started with a cinnamon graham cracker crust (classic cheesecake base!) and worked my way into the fluffy cheesecake layer while the crust was baking. Then--since we've got to get in the best of all worlds here--I topped it with a chocolate chip cookie dough strudel-esque topping (egg-free! Just in case you're tempted to eat it before it goes in the baking pan...not that I'm speaking from personal experience or anything). So essentially, you're biting into a grahamcrackercrustcheesecakefilledchocolatechipcookiebar. 

Try saying that ten times fast. Or better yet, close your mouth (which, I'm sure, is expending copious amounts of saliva) and try this recipe (below the cut)!

Day 71 (5.16.12): Cranberry Almond Granola Bar (Isn't Going To Last Me 127 Hours Later...)

Cranberry Almond Granola Bar
Status: Bought
Satisfaction: 9. Tastes like jam smothered over otherwise nutritionally-sound overprocessed goods.

Associated with: 127 Hours

I haven't actually seen it, but I've heard good things about it. It's the story about the man who saws off his own arm (?) in order to get out from under a boulder where he was trapped for a good long time. Of course, considering the fact that nothing more exciting has happened to me while hiking except not having enough granola bars in my stash (and here's to hoping that it stays that way!), I'm kind of glad my life is boring. Boring and straight up and just sustenance--like a granola bar.

Day 70 (5.15.12): Mrs. Field's Chocolate Chunk Cookie Dough Ice Cream (While the Cookie Monster Eats Eggplant)

Mrs. Field's Chocolate Chunk Cookie Dough Ice Cream
Status: Bought
Satisfaction: 10.

Associated with: Cookie Monster--Healthy?

Meet the latest spokesperson for Healthy Habits for Life: he's blue, he's monstrous, he's...
Healthy Cookie Monster?

Yep, you heard it right. In an attempt to promote healthy eating habits in our diabetes and obesity-ridden nation, Sesame Street has turned our beloved Cookie Monster into an eggplant-eating, calorie-conscious fiend of healthiness.

Guess this is one show my kids won't be watching. Sorry, Sesame Street, but my kids aren't sitting through Sacrilegious Street anytime soon. 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Day 69: Pad See Ew (Namesakes and Ugly Men)

Pad See Ew
Status: Homemade
Satisfaction: 9.

Associated with: Ugly Men on Whatshouldwecallme tumblr

It's times like these that I'm really, really grateful that nobody ever gets a chance to try the foods I make for myself at home. I call it pad see ew, but it's probably as blasphemed and hodge-podge a version of it as this world has ever seen. Tastes just like really good sweet chow fun.

Anyway, the greatest thing about Asian dishes is probably their naming system. Ever notice how the most appetizing dishes have the least appetizing dishes? Case in point: pad see EW. Yeah, that's going to get a lot of fans who don't know what the heck you're takling about.

So in honor of the "ew" factor involved in this dish, and because I've spent an indecent number of hours on this website over the past two days: an "ugly guy" reaction blog post from whatshouldwecallme, which I find unfailingly hilarious. (Taken from Enjoy!


Monday, May 14, 2012

Day 68: It's Grilling Time! Gorgonzola Naan and Okonomiyaki-Style Tofu (It's a Manly Thing)

Grilling Time--Gorgonzola Naan and Okonomiyaki-Style Tofu
Status: BBQ!
Satisfaction: 8

Associated with: Manly BBQ Aprons

Conveniently, as I type this post, my Spotify decided to spam me with yet another delightful commercial for my manly barbequing this year--they want me to listen to Rascal Flatts. Real manly, Spotify: about as manly as my grilled naan and tofu.

Anyway, the above is my favorite logo ever for grilling aprons. If anybody knows of any that are better, however, I'm always up for a challenge to my vastly judgmental taste in BBQ aprons.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Day 67: Green Tea Shaved Ice with Mango, Egg Pudding, and Condensed Milk (Socially Awkward Penguin Approves. Sort of. Unsure If Opinion Counts.))

Green Tea Shaved Ice with Mango, Egg Pudding, and Condensed Milk
Status: Bought (Blockhead's Shavery)
Satisfaction: 7.5

Associated with: Socially Awkward Penguin Meme

In honor of my conversation with Mister Disgruntled today before eating at Blockhead's, this Socially Awkward Penguin Meme has found its way into my blog. It even fits the bill of being penguin-related.

Bill. Penguins. Ha ha.

Day 66: Lots of Food for a Growing Girl (I'm A Swimmer Again--Only My Metabolism Hasn't Registered This Fact)

Lots of food for a growing girl (sort of)
That's Breakfast (fruit Greek yogurt parfait) and Lunch (garlic naan w/hummus + homemade date chutney) and Snacks (steamed zucchini + carrots w/a sprinkle of cheese, plus a pear)

Status: Melange
Satisfaction: 8

Associated with: Swimming Memes

Anybody who's ever been on a swim team knows the truth. We need it. And we're darn good at metabolizing it, too. Unfair, I know.

Unfortunately, the fact that I took a gap (count it: half a decade) off from swimming between high school and now means that my metabolism has not caught up; I'm winning my races and apparently outstripping my stomach's digestive abilities by spades. So all of the food for a growing girl?

Oh, she's growing all right. Nice and horizontal-wise.

For more fun swim memes, visit the Facebook page:

(And just thought I'd share three more of my favorites--swimmers, please feel free to empathize like crazy.)

(Below: From "What Should Swimmers Call Me")

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Day 65: Coconut Lemon Squares and Raspberry Thumbprint Cookies (Happy Early Mother's Day!)

Coconut Lemon Squares and Raspberry Thumbprint Cookies
Status: Homemade
Satisfaction: A heart full!

Made these to send to my mommy dearest by post today. Keeping my fingers crossed that they'll get to her before Sunday.

Happy (early) Mother's Day to the best mom, friend, listener, and fun-to-be-had spunky gal out there!

Don't forget to tell your maternal units how much you love them :)

Recipes under the cut!